Friday, December 4, 2015

Modern political supporters - Low on understanding, High on emotions!

I have been guilty of the same and after much deliberation realized that I was no different from those on the other side of the ideology. Both the sides choose to highlight the negatives and worse, look for negatives even in a news that is positive. Both sides look for flaws where none exist. Both sides blame the other side without realizing that they are pretty much the same.

I see people posting about how supporters of BJP (Bhakts) are aggressive and often blinded by their bhakti towards the individual, Narenda Modi and cannot see things for what they are. How different are the AAP supporters themselves who stand behind an individual and blindly follow their leader. The former is blind, while the latter, they think is for good reason. 

Most of the posts clearly suggest that people on both the sides are naive and have no understanding of what is going on. We live in a world that does not care about anything beyond the headline and yet we blame those who seek to be in them. 

We neither have the inclination nor the time to analyze but are the first ones to jump to a conclusion and to deride the other person. 

In the week gone by, our 65 year old Prime Minister traveled Malaysia and Singapore. Attended the parliament session the very next day and made a very impressive and important speech. This was followed by a very important trip to Paris (Nov 30 - Dec 01) and he was back in the Parliament after a long and strenuous trip the very day he landed in New Delhi. I cannot think of any other political leader who is as hard working and as passionate as Mr Narendra Modi is and yet to some, all that they could see was a person who was making international trips. 

None of these voices were concerned when people were making these international trips with an entourage that included family/friends but one man who is hell bent on improving the image of the country and goes to one country after the other to sell the idea of India is a concern.  

An insignificant member of the party makes a controversial statement and that becomes the voice of the party but a voice of Arun Jaitley who makes a statement to throw his weight behind LGBT rights gets no mention either in the mainstream media or the social media. 

If my memory serves me correct, the attacks on our former prime minister started before the elections, and I think it was not right. Fast forward a few months, our current Prime Minister has been in the situation from the day he has taken oath. I don't think any other politician in our country has been so closely monitored as Mr Modi and yet, if the only allegations against him to surface are that he travels a lot, does not reign in some of his leaders and wears expensive clothes, I think he is doing a great job. 

Lastly, I wish people learnt to distinguish between criticizing an individual and criticizing the country. Feel free to criticize the PM and his party but not at the expense of shaming our nation! 


Unknown said...

Last paragraph.... salute 👍

Unknown said...

Well written! Keep writing and don't make this a one off thing